We Meet Every Saturday

Worship from 9:45am

Bible Study for all ages from 11:00am

27 Alfred Crescent, Fitzroy North VIC 3068


What to Expect? FAQs

When are services held?

We hold services every week on a Saturday morning. Bible Study groups commence at 9:30am with our main worship service (which lasts approx. 1 hour) commencing at 11:00am.

Do I need a Bible?

We would encourage you to bring a Bible with you but if you don’t have one then there is no need to worry, we have one you can have. Additionally, many times our preacher(s) will display the Bible texts they are using on the screen so you can read along with them. Many of our church members have stopped bringing along a ‘physical’ Bible and instead use an App version from either Apple or Google.*

*Internet access is available for you. If you want access then please speak to one of our volunteers for the access code.

Will I be asked to give money?

Every week we give our regular attenders the opportunity to support a variety of causes. It’s not required or expected that you give a donation, especially if you’re visiting us for the first time.

Will I be asked to speak publicly or pray?


We are always excited to get to know visitors but we won’t force you to speak publicly,. pray or do anything you’re uncomfortable doing. Our services are planned in advance and whilst you may be given opportunity to speak in a Bible Study class (as all participants are given opportunity) or even in a worship service (sometimes we have open testimonies where the congregation may be invited to share) there is no expectation or pressure on you to do so.

What do I wear? Do I have to dress up?

No! Dressing up is not a requirement to worship with us at North Fitzroy Adventist. Some do wear their “Sunday best” but you’re also likely to see someone in slacks and a casual shirt, or jeans. We believe the most important part about church is showing up, ready to worship God.

What happens during a typical worship service?

Our worship style would best be described as quite traditional. Our 11:00am worship service lasts approx. 1 hour and consists of prayers, congregational hymn singing and a piece of teaching/preaching. We generally stand to sing and sit to listen. If you register your visit ahead of time we will be sure to partner you with one of our members when you visit who will be able to explain when the sitting/standing takes place to ensure you don’t feel out of place and uninformed.

Where do I park?

We don’t have a dedicated off-street car park but we do have ample street parking available BUT be warned, parking in front of the church is by permit only for residents of Alfred Crescent. We would encourage you to park across the road from the church at Edinburgh Gardens. If you’re struggling to find a park there then the is generally parking available on Rowe or Falconer Streets nearby.

How big is your church?

We have a weekly attendance of roughly 40 people which is smaller than some other churches but this a little bit by design and a little bit by chance. Given our church is heritage listed and the limited car parking options we have we would struggle to have any more than 80-100 people at any given service. With no real options for building expansion the small congregation can only grow by adding a new worship time at some stage…something we’re praying for!

What denomination are you affiliated with?

We are a proud part of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. If you’d like to know more about who Seventh-day Adventists are, our denominational history and beliefs then follow this link

Who are your Minister(s)?

Visit our People page to learn more about or minister(s).

With whom do I talk if I want to know more?

If you would like to know more then you can begin by visiting our People page and sending an email to our pastor directly. Alternatively you can fill out the enquiry form on our home page.